When I began my teaching career, integrating technology into my lessons was unexpectedly challenging — and I was supposed to be the tech expert. This led to significant stress because:
- The technology was unreliable and often malfunctioned.
- I struggled to effectively use technology as an educational tool.
- I developed imposter syndrome, which is essentially doubting your own abilities and feeling fraudulent. It’s a common issue in educational settings, affecting both teachers and leaders.
It turns out I wasn’t alone. Many educators, even those well-versed in tech, face similar challenges. This kind of stress has a specific term: Technostress. It’s a major barrier for teachers integrating technology in their classrooms.
To combat this, here are five tips to reduce technostress:
- Choice – Take Control: Understand which technologies are essential for your day and which aren’t. It’s perfectly fine to decline using unnecessary tech, particularly if it doesn’t add value to your teaching.
- Boundaries – Reclaim Your Time: Constant connectivity to technology can be detrimental. Set clear boundaries at school and home, and make time to disconnect, allowing your mind to rest.
- Focus – Enhance Productivity: Despite popular belief, multitasking often reduces productivity. Concentrate on what works for you and avoid introducing new tech that might distract you.
- Reflection – Build Confidence: Regularly reflect on your progress. Implement small, manageable changes, then assess what’s working and what needs adjustment.
- Balance – Progress with Care: Strive for a balance between embracing new tech and managing the stress it can bring. Gradually build your skills and integrate new knowledge at a comfortable pace.
Gaining control over technology usage can significantly enhance a teacher’s time management, reduce distractions, and bolster confidence and capacity for progress. By following these tips, teachers can effectively accompany the evolution of technology, rather than feeling overwhelmed by it. Technology holds immense potential for enhancing student learning, so it’s crucial for teachers to be confidently in command.
Our approach to IT support is tailored specifically for teachers. By providing proactive assistance in the classroom, rather than the traditional reactive support from behind a desk, we’ve been able to significantly reduce technostress. This method empowers teachers to regain control over their technology use, enhances their focus, and builds their confidence and ability to move forward.
Download the Five tips to manage technostress infographic
Take the School Tech Health Self-Assessment to learn how your school can move forward with technology.